A Fond Farewell to Political Violence at a Glance
After eleven incredible years, we have made the difficult decision to close the doors of Political Violence @ A Glance. We write this with a bit of sorrow but also a real sense of possibility for what’s ahead. It has been a wild and wonderful ride, and we are now ready for the next adventure.
Political Violence @ a Glance, edited by Barbara Walter, Erica Chenoweth, Joe Young, and Lindsay Morgan, has been an award-winning online magazine that aimed to answer questions on the causes and consequences of violence and protest in conflict-affected areas around the world. Our contributors—distinguished academic experts and researchers—have helped to unravel the implications of the global war on terrorism, explored the role of technology in repression and resistance, explained the proliferation of coups around the world, analyzed the rise of democratic backsliding and populist nationalism, considered the connections between pop culture, art, and war, and evolving norms around human rights, and much more.
From the very beginning, our mission was simple: to offer you, our readers, simple, straightforward analysis that delved into the complexities of political violence without relying on unnecessary academic jargon or lingo. Our goal was to bring research to policymakers and practitioners as they attempted to solve problems—and to encourage our academic friends and peers to ensure their research has an impact beyond the academy. Since 2012, PV@G has twice been honored as the year’s Best Group Blog (2014, 2018) by the International Studies Association’s Online Media Caucus, after winning their Most Promising New Blog Award in 2013. Our articles have been retweeted by major news outlets, posted on the morning briefing for major agencies in Washington D.C., raised awareness about alternatives to political violence, and gone viral. We are proud of the work of our contributors and the influence they have had.
Read the full blog post at Political Violence At A Glance.

Global Policy At A Glance
Global Policy At A Glance is IGCC’s blog, which brings research from our network of scholars to engaged audiences outside of academia.
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